Learn how to draw realistic eyes with this step-by-step tutorial

Learn how to draw realistic eyes with this step-by-step tutorial

 How I got better at drawing

Back when I was in my high school art class, I really wanted to learn how to draw faces, so I sketched, and sketched, and then sketched some more.  But it would be years before my drawings of people went from looking scared and as if they had bad eyelash extensions, to looking more realistic (see below). 

Maybe you can relate?  I would try really hard on a sketch and feel happy with some parts of the drawing, but disappointed with other parts - and not sure how to fix it. 

I don't want that for you!  My goal is to share my tips and tricks with you - that I have learned from reading books, taking courses and simple trial and error - so that you can learn to draw faster, and with less frustration.

In this post I will focus on the eyes, because to me they are the most important feature in getting a likeness.

So let's get started with how to draw eyes for beginners!


Step One: Quick video tutorial for drawing realistic eyes

(make sure to hit pause when you need to)

     Step Two:  Simple step-by-step guide to drawing eyes for beginners:



 If you would you like more in-depth help to drawing realistic eyes, check out my Free Mini Course "How to Draw a Realistic Eye" 

What does the Free Mini Course include?
  • a full-length 26 minute video where you can draw alongside me
  • inspirational printout about the model used in this video, Emma Watson 
  • Step-by-step printable guide to drawing eyes
  • Question and Answer Forum where you can ask me any questions you have!


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