Inspirational Woman, Anita Morris - Author, Inspirational Speaker, Sewing Instructor, Mother

Art with meaning
There is a drive inside myself that compels me to create art that has a meaning. Even if I'm painting simply to portray a beautiful landscape or flower, I tend to want to tell the story from the beholder's point of view.
This need to tell a story and have meaning is what motivated me to begin painting portraits.
When I met Anita at a Women's Conference in LA in 2018, her zest for life, contagious smile and inspiring journey inspired me to share more about her and her story. Here is what Anita has to say about her journey.
Meet Motivational Speaker, Anita Morris
"When I look back over the last 4 years of my life I smile. I smile because it’s been a journey of healing, discovery, fears, new beginnings, and hope.
When tragedy entered my story, I couldn’t imagine what my future would look like or how I could be happy again. But as I allowed myself to experience the grief of my loss, I learned how powerful the grief journey can be to heal one’s heart.
I’ve learned important lessons and made great accomplishments. But nothing comes close to what is happening in my heart. As I have submitted myself to enduring the journey with grace, God has guided me along the path to healing. He has planted treasures along the way.
Each treasure that I collect and embrace is creating an exchange of beauty for ashes. But the exchange is internal. Only God and I know what’s happening on the inside. Yet, the internal blessings are manifested through the external SHINE. There is a Light that shines through the darkness, but not all will recognize the glow.
I’ve come to understand, through my experience, that the trials of life don’t come to destroy us. But they have the potential to usher us into the purpose for which we were created.
I continue to navigate the path, and picking up the treasures, as I STEP INTO IT.
I continue to STAND, TRUST, ENDURE, and PROCEED."
You can read more about Anita's journey in her book "Step Into It
or follow her below:
A painting with a purpose
Beyond just a meaning, my greatest aspiration with my pieces is that they create change in the world. As I create portraits of inspiring women, like Anita, an idea came to me that I would create a piece to donate to a worthy organization that supports women, while raising funds for that same organization. This portrait painting with Anita as my model, was created to inspire other women both through Anita's story and also through the beauty and cheerfulness of the portrait itself.
In November os 2022 I was happy to have held a fundraiser that helped support women through the Dress For Success, Orillia and Barrie chapter.
Watch the video about the fundraiser HERE.
Beautiful work as always Serena. You have such a gift for capturing inner beauty instead of “just” painting a portrait.
This is truly inspirational and captures Anita’s beauty. I do not know her personally but have watched her journey via YouTube videos. Her spirit of resilience is recognized and GOD rewarded. 🥰
Serena, thank you so much for this amazing painting. I love your work and desire to create art with meaning. I am beyond honored that you chose me as one of your inspiration subjects.
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