An online art sale with the Square Foot Show Canada

Applying to a popular online art show
You know those goals that we are supposed to make? The ones that seem unattainable but that every online guru and coach says we need to make. They are supposed to go on dream boards, on calendars and meant to push us beyond what we think possible. Ok. So I have made lists of these, and some come true - most don't. But this summer one of these such goals became a reality and I'm just so excited to share it with you.
I applied to be part of the popular Square Foot Show and on my second try was accepted to be in this year's summer of 2023 online art show! If you're wondering, yes I did do a happy dance! And then five minutes later, began to have complete imposter syndrome. I find the best way to the overcome imposter syndrome that seems to catch up with all of us from time to time is to just get busy. And busy I got!
If you're not familiar with the Square Foot Show, I'll give you a quick introduction as explained on the site: Julia Veenstra, an artist from Hamilton, Ontario began the 'Square Foot Show" as a small, annual art party. Each year, Julia's tiny studio was filled with work from local artists, each piece the same price and size. It was a huge success every time, with a lineup around the block in the dead of Canadian winter. Until the pandemic, that is. So, Julia joined forces with some friends who had proven themselves in marketing and they moved the show online together. It was a massive success, with Square Foot Show quickly becoming known as “The Black Friday of Art", consistently bringing thousands of new collectors across five continents to each show, with many artists selling out in mere minutes.' The Square Foot Show site goes on to say "SquareFootShow’s vision is to build a thriving artistic community around the world, raise the profile of artists, and introduce novice and experienced art collectors to emerging and established artists alike." Julia's generosity in creating this community is something that I am extremely grateful for!
Each piece was to be 12"x12" - thus the name Square Foot Show, and we were allowed to enter from three to five pieces, so I chose to go for gangbusters and enter all five. Maybe a little energetic for a mom to two teen boys, who is also trying to grow my online Art Print Shop, keeping up with selling art and teaching at Let the Cat Go art studio in my town where I'm part of an artist Collective at the Annex, while also fitting in commission requests. So this summer was a busy one! Without further ado, I'll introduce you to the five pieces entered in the show.
My landscape paintings in the Summer 2023 Square Foot Show
'afternoon paddle"
Inspired by a day at the beach with my son and some friends, and strive to bring home the feeling of being on the water, whether in a canoe or sitting on the shore.
"view from the beach"
Another painting inspired by beach days with my boys on Lake Muskoka, Ontario. I truly enjoyed playing with colour and creating a vibrantly painted sky in this piece!
"across from the cabin"
If you're starting to see a pattern, yes all of the artwork entered in the show were inspired from the beautiful Canadian landscapes around my home in Muskoka, Ontario. "Across from the cabin" is another painting inspired by Lake Muskoka. Our home is not on water, but getting to the many lakes around Bracebridge can take from 5 minutes to 30 and we have dozens of beaches and water views to choose from. I truly feel lucky to live in Ontario's cottage country and be a landscape painter in such a beautiful area.
"summer holidays"
Not many things make me happier than watching kids play on beautiful summer days. This beach painting was so much fun to create not only because of the good memories of days at the beach with my children, but also because of the colours and brushstrokes that I used and how I think I was still able to capture the feeling of water and summer.
"sunset at Killbear"
Another painting inspired from a day trip to Killbear Provincial Park, near Georgian Bay, Canada fishing, swimming, and hiking all topped off with a glorious sunset.
All five paintings sold!
The Square Foot Show went live for two days and what a rush of excitement! I had never been part of an art show that was so energetic! People were online searching for their favourite landscape paintings from all around the world.
I'm happy to say that four out of my five paintings entered, sold on the very first night. The final piece sold to a collector shortly after the show was over. I am so grateful both to Julia Veenstra and her team as well as the new collectors that purchased my artwork and gave my paintings a new home. So many of the pieces hold special memories and I honestly had a hard time letting some of them go. I also had so much fun meeting new artists and collectors and being part of the show that I decided to apply to be in the Autumn 2023 Square Foot Show as well, and was accepted!
Follow my Instagram Here account to stay up to date as I offer sneak peeks of the pieces that will be going into this Autumn's show October 5-7, 2023.
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